Since the Summer 2020, the negaWatt Association has been coordinating the CACTUS project (Consolidating ambitious climate targets through end-use sufficiency) financed by the EUKI fund of the German Ministry of the Environment BMU.
CACTUS aims to sensitise Central and Eastern European energy and climate stakeholders (scenario builders, policy makers, etc.) about energy sufficiency, and to model its integration into climate and energy strategies.
More information on the dedicated website
Prior to the Paris Agreement, European decarbonation strategies aimed reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80-95% mostly through energy efficiency and renewable energies.
Since then, European governments have committed to go beyond this, being carbon neutral by 2050. Energy sufficiency could be a key further lever to enable deeper decarbonisation pathways.
However, its integration into climate and energy strategies and scenario models needs to be tailored to the Central Eastern European context of high energy dependency, high energy poverty and low energy services, and fast catching-up economy and life-styles.
Through a technical dialogue and capacity building activities, experts from the parner organisations will explore the sufficiency potential in the transport and building sectors in target countries Hungary and Lithuania, and its integration into scenario models and existing national climate and energy strategies.
The results will form the basis for a dialogue with key policy makers in the countries concerned as well as with European experts in the field.
Important synergies are of course foreseen with the European scenario project coordinated by the negaWatt Association.
négaWatt scenario 2022
Energy sufficiency
négaWatt scenario 2017-2050