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Achieving the energy transition

The négaWatt Association

Who we are

The négaWatt association is a non-governmental French think tank involving around twenty experts in energy issues with strong field experience and complementary skills. Established in 2001, it is supported by more than 1,200 individual members.

Its main purpose is to recommend solutions on energy demand and supply to implement an energy transition in France, reducing as much as possible all the detrimental risks and impacts of the national energy system (greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, resource depletion, energy poverty, nuclear accident risks, etc.).

Through applying the négaWatt approach to France - based on energy sufficiency, energy efficiency, and renewable sources - the organisation has developed an energy transition scenario for the country, which reaches 100% renewables by 2050 and dramatically reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

The négaWatt Association is a non-profit organisation mostly funded by individual member fees, as well as contributions from benefactors, foundations, and NGOs.

Current activities and contacts

négaWatt is involved in many national and EU-level debates through expertise, advocacy, and support to progressive solutions. The organisation regularly holds seminars and events on the energy transition. It has established in 2009 the négaWatt Institute (website in French only), a research and training body organising sessions and involved in implementation projects.

To contact us: contact /at/

négaWatt scenario 2022

(pdf - 793 Mo)


Energy sufficiency

(pdf - 1,1 Mo)


négaWatt scenario 2017-2050

(pdf - 788 Ko)
